Friday, April 8, 2011

8 and a Half Weeks!

I had my first Prenatal Doc appointment on Tuesday, April 5th.  On the way there I began to pray to God that there is only one in here.  Since the nausea is so much more intense this time and I feel like I’m showing more quickly, I couldn’t help but think there could be two in there, or more.  Thankfully, the Doc and I only saw one little blueberry all snuggled inside with a blinking little heartbeat.  Thank you!  Thank you for blessing us with another beautiful child!  We are soooo grateful!  Surprisingly the baby is measuring 5 days ahead of what I thought we were at.  This is GOOD.  The due date is now November 15 instead of November 20, so less time to be pregnant and hopefully this nausea and fatigue will go away sooner than previously expected.

I know it is not good to compare pregnancies, but all I know is to compare it to my first pregnancy…  When I was pregnant with Alexa in the first trimester, I was a basket case.  I remember crying hysterically just because George was drinking some wine in front of me one night.  I remember calling in sick to work a couple of times, because I was an emotional wreck.  This time, my emotions seem very steady, but my nausea is worse.  My face seems oilier than normal, which happened the first pregnancy too, and so I've fought off a few zits lately.  I still can't eat any meat at all including fish (which is probably a good thing), but I can eat cheese here and there now.  Seems like I have bad days and better days as far as my nausea and fatigue go.  I began exercising again this week, a little… two days of weights and 2 days of cardio, so far, but that’s far from good enough, so I plan to get a couple more workouts in this weekend.

G is still gone in Europe, Germany now, and Alexa and I miss him tons.  Sadly, when he’s gone for long periods of time like this we actually start to get used to him being gone.

Work has picked up a lot for me between my two freelance jobs and school.  Every day I knock off one or two extra things off my massively long and very important “to do” list… will I ever get all these things done??!?! I’m also determined to learn French and to stay in shape throughout this pregnancy.  Oh, and I’m searching for a new house… a house that fits a family of four… “with two cats in the yard, life used to be so hard, now everything is easy cause of you…” – showing my age.

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