Thursday, October 27, 2011

37 Weeks, 3 Days – FULL TERM and READY TO POP!

I feel like dog poop.  Really.  Completely uncomfortable.  So worn out.  Weak.  Emotional.  Crampy.  Depressed.  AND in pain.  I haven’t been sleeping at all.  Partly because I am so horribly uncomfortable sporting severe back pain, hip pain and menstrual-like cramps when I try to sleep and partly because I’ve been so swamped with work I haven’t had much time to even attempt to sleep in the first place!

I went to another ultrasound scan yesterday and learned the baby flipped… THE OTHER DIRECTION… SHE DID A 180!  She is still transverse, just butt at my right rib cage and head at my left now!  WTF?!?!  The ultrasound doc said this is very bad this late in pregnancy because if my water breaks there is nothing to stop the umbilical cord from falling through and cutting off the baby’s oxygen and nutrition supply.  EEK.  He suggested we do an amneothesis to check her lung development and do a c-section right away.  To make matters worse, he said the baby is measuring really, really big.  The ultrasound technician kept saying “Look at those chubby cheeks and fat little arms.  You have a little sumo wrestler inside you.”  Ummmmmm.  I’m not sure if I am too happy about this for a multitude of reasons… first of all, why is she so fat?  I haven’t been eating bad.  I’ve been eating mostly pretty healthy, really… well, maybe I have been eating chocolate every day, but not loads of it or anything!  And second, even if she moves into a proper vertex position, can my body even birth a 9 or 10 lb baby??!??!  When I told G how big she is measuring, he giggled and said, “I really don’t see how little ‘ole you could have a child that big.  I just can’t picture a 9 or 10 lb baby coming out of you!”  Glad he has a sense of humor about this.

Next, was my regular OBGYN doc appointment.  She also did an ultrasound and saw the cord looked like it might be wrapped around the baby’s neck and that is why she can’t move into a normal head-down position!!!! OMG!!!! If I wasn’t freaked out enough before, I am completely freaked out now!  My blood pressure was 116 over 80 which is high for me since the whole pregnancy I’ve been 100 over 60.

Even with the concerns presented, the OBGYN said we will take things day by day and not jump the gun on a c-section quite yet.  She told me to try to remain positive about a healthy VBAC, but not to be too disappointed if I end up with another c-section.  Not too reassuring… I’m trying to remain positive about both situations without mentally sabotaging myself and my baby by creating a c-section situation through the power of my mental fears.  This is super tricky.  I dare you to try it.

G couldn’t go with me to either appointment.  He usually can’t go since he works so much.  Thankfully my Mom is here now and so she went with me this time.  George has been working like crazy at the boat show day and night.  Alexa saw her Daddy for a total of 5 minutes this morning and begged him not to leave.  It was so sad.  Usually, George has been leaving before she wakes up each day and doesn’t get home until she’s in bed each night.  L  He finishes with the boat show stuff this Monday and then he is debating on going to a Rybovich executive 3 day golf trip the end of next week!  I am really not happy about it, but ultimately it is George’s choice.

When I broke the “good” news to George about my two doctor’s appointments, it took all I had to choke back my tears.  Normally, I am NOT the kind of person who runs to the doctor or hospital for pains or whatever even while pregnant.  I usually will stick it out for probably longer than I should before finally contacting someone (usually a friend) to ask if what I am feeling is normal.  However, now, after hearing both doctors’ comments and concerns yesterday, I told G that I might turn into one of those freak-a-zoid pregos who rushes to the hospital when I haven’t felt the baby move in an hour or if some kind of odd abdominal pain scares me.  I am just beside myself now that this baby might be strangled by my own umbilical cord!

Ok, trying to turn all this negativity and fear into a positive… I am still standing on my head a few times a day and listening to positive birthing mantras on my ipod at night in an attempt to get her to move into the correct position.  I am talking to this little life inside of me and praying for her daily.  Now that the boat show has started, my work load should begin to ease up a bit by the end of this weekend.  And maybe G will start to understand that going away on a work golf trip when your wife is 39 weeks pregnant, and now a high-risk pregnancy, might not be the smartest move.

Maybe my next blog I will be writing about my happy, peaceful birth experience and posting pictures of my beautiful, healthy little angel.  Until then…

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