Wednesday, March 30, 2011

6 Weeks, 5 days

Mind: Overwhelmed with bills, finances, school work, Alexa's surgery, Rybovich work, freelance work, house work, Alexa’s doc appointments, broken A/C, sick cats, George being out of town for so long, babysitter issues, house guests, and basically overwhelmed with life in general.

Body: I’m exhausted and sooooo nauseous now.  Way worse than I ever was with Alexa.  The nausea kicked in full blown about 4 or 5 days ago.  I’m pretty much eating a vegan diet, but mostly because even the thought of ANY ANIMAL PRODUCT MAKES ME FEEL LIKE VOMITTING!  Cheese included!  My diet for the last 5 days consists of oat bran cereal with almond milk, rice cakes, bananas, sparkling water, peppermint tea, plain baked potatoes, plain pasta with red sauce, and peanut butter or almond butter sandwiches.  I try to eat veggies every day at some point, but I’m not always successful.  I sneak in blueberries and strawberries into my cereal for some antioxidants.  Cheese, yogurt and all meat are completely disgusting to me right now.  I’ve forced myself to eat the occasional organic free-range egg sandwich, but it’s not easy.  And a cliff protein bar seems to suit me some days, but I don’t want to eat too many because they are made with soy protein.

My nausea is extremely bad late at night and first thing in the morning.  Then throughout the day it is bad, then not so bad, then really bad again.  Somewhere around 3 or 4pm, I seem to do best, so I try to work my ass off during those times.

I’m not exercising much at all which is making me feel worse.  I feel soft and gooey, like I’m getting out of shape fast.  I have to make myself run or swim or do yoga every day.  I have to.  I have to.  I have to.  I will.  I am.

Spirit: I miss my hubby.  Alexa misses her daddy.  He won’t be home for another 14 days.  Trying to stay positive and optimistic.  Trying to remember to be grateful for everything.  Even the little things.  Although it’s tough on me right now, I know it’s very temporary and so worth it.  We are blessed to be pregnant with another child.  When this one is born, our family will be complete.  Alexa will have a sibling for eternity to share love, support, hopes and dreams with.  We will all travel the world freely and openly giving and receiving love to all.

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